Online courses are the answer to a fast changing world!
There was me, 5 years ago. Stuck in a business I loathed despite it was providing me with a very good living, forced in a life I didn’t recognise as mine. Every morning, when I was looking at myself in the mirror, I struggled to recognise the person who will greet me from the other side: tense, miserable, angry, frustrated, deeply and completely unhappy.
At the time, I used to live in Kenya and when you live in Africa, if anyone has had the experience you know what I am talking about, you have access to amazing places and a wonderful lifestyle but you are also completely cut out, caged in a different century when it comes to certain other things and for me, who wanted to free myself from my own business to start a creative one, who needed training and exposure to a whole new world, well I had thousands of miles dividing me from any school, course or mentor that could help me just when I needed guidance the most.
One day, hanging out on Facebook and snooping on all the wonderful lives of my friends back in Europe – that’s how I felt at the time… a bit of negative thinking was going on in my head – I stumbled upon someone from Australia offering an online course on blogging. Thank you Marina de Giovanni, by the way. I wasn’t sure about my new dream business direction. I wasn’t even sure I would ever have the courage to walk away from financial security and prosperity into the unknown and very populated online world to try my luck, but I was hooked. The price was reasonable, the program doable and actionable. By the time the webinar was over I had bought it. I was in.
Since that day, I never looked back. It still took me a year to leave and start over, the start over part actually took much longer but that’s another story, but I knew there was help out there and that it was accessible to me, even if I felt I lived in the most remote corner of the world. From that day, I took many online courses and participated to several workshops and retreats created and organised by people who weren’t teaching digital marketing, social media and all web things related from an academic perspective to some university students, but people who were in the business and most of the times had learnt on the field and with lots of self-help and online courses, exactly as I was. My MBA wasn’t helpful here. I needed something else, something more hands-on that could work in a very fast changing industry.
If I am here writing to you today is thank to those courses and the workshops I attended. Was it an investment timewise and moneywise? Yes. Was it always super easy? No. Was it worth? Yes, a million times yes.
In these couple of years I have developed my photography business and my travel blog and I have hopefully inspired you to travel the wanderlust way. But I feel the need to give back, to contribute and offer others the opportunities that were offered to me. I feel the urge of getting you on a business wanderlust mode, help you explore new possibilities and make your dream job a real journey you can take every morning.
“I feel the urge of getting you on a business wanderlust mode, help you explore new possibilities and make your dream job a real journey you can take every morning.”
My main areas of focus for now will be photography, social media and branding for the online world. The journey starts here. We’ll see where it will take us. The courses will be for small business owners, free-lance professionals, small shop owners and all those people who care about their business, feel stuck and kind of left behind by all it’s going on in this crazy world and think they are too small, too remote, too common, too insignificant to be able to use social media and the internet to their advantage. They will be tailormade for those who have no time, very little financial and human resources, who feel they don’t have the knowledge and normally just close the subject thinking “that’s not for me, I can’t do it”.
“My courses will be tailormade for those who have no time, very little financial and human resources, who feel they don’t have the knowledge and normally just close the subject thinking “that’s not for me, I can’t do it”.”
When life has given you second chances, it is time to give back and this is how I feel right now. If I can create valuable content that can help you guys out there to free yourself from any mental constriction and take the leap, then that will be my little contribution to the online growing community. The courses will be available in English and ITALIAN, my mother tongue, because everyone is welcome on this journey and I hope my countrymen will join in without having to struggle with the language. I am taking away all excuses for you… I’ll see you onboard.
“The courses will be available in English and ITALIAN... I am taking away all excuses for you… I’ll see you onboard. ”