Nine Staycation Ideas for Christmas in Kent and Sussex

If you have decided not to travel far this Christmas, you can still enjoy beautiful short trips, weekends mini-breaks or day out choosing to travel local. For all UK residents I cannot recommend enough the properties managed by the National Trust for a mix of history, culture, beautiful architecture, nature and a good story.

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A guide to Milan Canals - I Navigli

Today a very fashionable neighbourhood, where dismissed industrial spaces are renovated and turned into light and airy lofts appealing to the young and trendy new generation of residents, this area of Milan was once home to a varied humanity that spaced from hardworking factories employees to underprivileged families, sex workers and pimps, poker and billiard players, hardcore gamblers and conmen, funny characters and newly arrived immigrants…

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How to prepare a Kenyan Swahili Dinner in less than an hour

Swahili food is typical of the East African coastal area, particularly of Kenya and Tanzania, a unique cultural melting pot that has turned out a unique syncretic cuisine. Many cuisines have become very common around the world and can be enjoyed virtually anywhere, but African Cuisine has still to make it to the world stage. Since they are relatively easy to make, why not cooking them at home?

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Bouncing off the map

Let’s have a chat about belonging, cultural identity, migration and finding a home wherever you are, for all those who are relocating or thinking to, for all those dreaming to live abroad but too scared to take the final step, to ease up all the contrasting feelings that moving house and country can fire up and reassure everyone that is going to get better!

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Why you should visit Kenya

Of all places, what took me to Kenya? Probably the fascination with the age-old romance of wild Africa, the novels of Karen Blixen, Kuki Gallman… What kept me there for 12 years it’s what is known as Mal d’Afrique, an incurable illness that, on the highlands plains, I can feel stronger than anywhere else.

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